maandag 8 augustus 2011

i feel kinda hairy today

When i woke up this morning (almost evening actually; 15:20), and stood in front of my mirror, all i saw was hair. And yeah, i do have a lot of hair. And yeah, i also do have a lot of bad hair days. But this time i looked at it, thought about it and decided to make the best of it. So i took my camera and i'll show you my hairy morning.

 once i was making photographs, i decided to show you my proud. My new earrings. Both from France, from a little, cute shop. i was looking for these for so long and finally i found them! somewhere i never ever expected to find them. so, keep your eyes always open and you'll find things on the weirdest places and moments.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik wou dat ik krullen had! ;)
    Ik hou een give away op mijn blog!
    Doe mee!
    Liefs, Charlie
